Brace! 🫨

Profile picture of analisia id
analisia id
Sep 04, 2023

Good morning 👀

We do apologize for skipping the newsletter last week; we had a bed rest 🤒 We hope you're doing well wherever you are 🤗

Here's what we got for you

  1. Kepoin Influencer di Facebook & Instagram
  2. TikTok Search Ads Are Finally Here
  3. Brace for Impact SEO Folks
  4. We Know What You're Doing Youtube
  5. Welcoming Google Tag in GTM

Let's dive in!

1️⃣ Kepoin Influencer di Facebook & Instagram

Meta merilis fitur Branded content di halaman Ad Library mereka. Sudah bisa ditebak dari namanya, menu ini dipakai untuk "kepoin" brand / influencer yang menjalankan kampanye di Instagram & Facebook.

branded content

Dari observasi yang kami lakukan, fitur baru ini memberikan informasi seperti;

Beberapa kekurangan yang kami temukan sejauh ini;

Overall kami suka dengan pembaruan ini, memberikan perspektif partnership yang efektif dan juga campaign cadence dari dari tiap brands.

Akses Branded content library di sini

2️⃣ TikTok Search Ads Are Finally Here

Sudah cukup lama TikTok dirumorkan akan meluncurkan TikTok Search Ads, yang mana diprediksi akan menjadi pesaing kuat Google Search Ads mengingat TikTok adalah the new search engine untuk Gen Z. Tidak hanya itu saja, mereka bilang 58% of TikTok users dicover new brands & products melalui platform mereka, atau 1.5x lebih banyak dari platform tetangga.

It's not a rumor anymore!

Fitur baru ini sudah tersedia di TikTok Ads Manager, sayangnya TikTok Search Ads tidak menjadi standalone ad melainkan extension dari ad yang sudah ada. Jadi misalnya ketika kita sedang membuat iklan In-Feed Ads, kita bisa mengaktifkan toggle "Search Ads" sebagai extended placement.

TikTok said:

We are in the very early stages of testing search ads in select regions. For clarification – at this stage, advertisers do not have the ability to bid on specific keywords for advertising purposes. This part of our testing is managed by TikTok based on keywords that would be most relevant and impactful to the advertiser and their specific ad.

Saat tulisan ini ditulis, fitur ini baru tersedia di US & beberapa negara terpilih.

3️⃣ Brace for Impact SEO Folks

We want to inform you that August 2023 Core Updates might impact your Organic Search (a.k.a SEO) performance. We don't know 100% coz sometimes it could be good or bad 🤷‍♂️

Let's keep an eye on this!

4️⃣ We Know What You're Doing Youtube

YouTube trials smaller 'Skip Ads' button

Youtube dengan melakukan uji coba memperkecil tombil "Skip Ads" di platform mereka;

It's good for advertisers, tho? there's a higher possibility of people watching the video ad longer than they used to do.

5️⃣ Welcoming Google Tag in GTM

before-after ga4 config tag

Google mengumumkan penggantian Google Analaytics 4 Configuration tag dengan Google Tag di Google Tag Manager.

What changes

We can't wait to test it out!