Don't Fool Me Google! 😏

Profile picture of analisia id
analisia id
Feb 20, 2023

Good Morning πŸ‘‹

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!

1️⃣ Broadcast Channels on Instagram πŸ“£

Pernah pakai fitur Channel di Telegram? Yes, it's basically the same thing.

Instagram Channel

This new feature is allowing users to join channel created by Creators and on the other side, Creators can send broadcast messages through their channel. It's cool, isn't it?

Well, it's good news for marketers tentunya, kita jadi bisa broadcast hal penting ke followers kita (hmm tapi perlu cautious juga jangan sampai gengges dan di unfollow)

Join Channel on Instagram
Join Beta Access di sini πŸ‘‰

Unfortunately, di minggu yang sama Intagram mengumumkan penghapusan fitur Live Stream Shopping ☹️

Live Stream Shopping

As per TechCrunch:

β€œStarting on March 16, 2023, Instagram users will no longer be able to tag products while livestreaming - a capability that has been broadly available to U.S. businesses and creators since 2020.”

2️⃣ Say No to Automatic Migration for GA4 πŸ™…β€β™‚οΈ

Coz Google doesn't recommend this automatic migration approach either.

We suggest that you complete your own migration, instead of relying on the automated process. This will give you the most control over your GA4 setup. – Google Analytics Help

If you don't want to do so, here's steps to switch-off Automatic Migration feature in Google Analytics 3 (UA).

opt-out automatic GA4 migration

Mudah bukan? hehe

Over the last 2 years, We've been helping various brands migrated to Google Analytics 4. So don't be hesitate to ask me any question at πŸ˜‰

3️⃣ Kenapa Angka di Google Ads Beda Dengan Google Analytics?

conversion differences in GA4

No need to worry anymore, Β Google baru saja merilis fitur "Conversion Differences" di mana membantu kita memahami perbedaan jumlah konversi antara Google Ads dan Google Analytics 4.

Ini membatu banget buat kamu yang suka dapat pertanyaan, "Kenapa total penjualan di Google Ads lebih banyak dari angka di Google Analytics?" hehe

Sekarang kamu bisa jawab, "Actually this is expected boss, as we use different attribution setting in both platforms" πŸ™‚

4️⃣ Akhirnya Bisa Kirim Web Push Notification ke Pengguna iPhone

Web Push for Web Apps on iOS and iPadOS
Today marks the release of iOS and iPadOS 16.4 beta 1, and with it comes support for Web Push and other features for Home Screen web apps. - Webkit

Dengan fitur ini, kita Brands / Marketers bisa reach out ke pelanggan yang tidak suka download aplikasi di smartphone mereka.

Excited? So do I!

5️⃣ 70,000 Data Baru di TikTok Insights

TikTok Insights

Minggu lalu TikTok baru saja menambahkan 70,000 data baru ke dalam TikTok Insights. Buat yang belum familiar, TikTok Insight adalah fitur di TikTok Business untuk membantu brands & marketers melihat audience trends & insight dari dari TikTok Users.

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