Threads App Is ✨ But...

Profile picture of analisia id
analisia id
Jul 17, 2023

Good morning, friends! May your day be as bright as the rising sun 🌤️

In this newsletter, we are going to cover the following:

  1. Google UAC +SKAN Is Coming
  2. AI-generated Ad Copy by Microsoft Ads
  3. Threads App Is Better Than Twitter, But...
  4. Repetitive Ads Damage Brand Reputation
  5. Bisa Beli Centang Biru IG

Let's dive in!

1️⃣ Google UAC +SKAN Is Coming

Dari acara Google App Immersion 2023 minggu lalu, Google mengumumkan dukungan SKAdNetwork untuk mobile app campaign yang dijalankan di platform Google. Data yang diberikan oleh Apple akan lebih reliable & transparent untuk mengevaluasi performansi iklan antar marketing channel, secara gak ada conflict of interest mengingat pendapatkan utama Google dari produk iklan mereka.

Later this year, we will be able to...

Learn more on Google App Immersion 2023

2️⃣ AI-generated Ad Copy by Microsoft Ads

Microsoft memperkenalkan fitur untuk membuat ad copy (headlines & descriptions) di advertising platform mereka. Fitur ini mendukung 35 bahasa dan bekerja dengan cara membaca konten di landing page secara otomatis.

They said:

Classified as Microsoft Confidential We’re folding the power of generative AI into how you create and edit RSA now, by recommending AI-generated headlines and descriptions for you.

How it works

  1. Click "Create new ad".
  2. Masukan final URL (landing page).
  3. Microsoft akan memberikan rekomendasi untuk ad headlines & descriptions.
  4. Accept their recommendations if you're happy with them.

3️⃣ Threads App Is Than Twitter, But...

Dari studi yang dilakukan oleh Website Planet terhadap 30 brands yang memiliki akun media sosial di Twitter & Threads App, didapatkan Threads app memiliki engagement rate lebih baik dari Twitter (0.45% vs. 0.02%).

Engagement rate = [(# of comments + # of likes) / # of followers]  x 100%


Is Threads App The Next Twitter?

Laporan terkahir dari Sensor Tower, Treads app mengalami penurunan active users sebanyak 🔻25% vs last weekend’s peak dan juga avg. time spent by 🔻50% (from 20 minutes to 10 minutes)

Latest Threads stats (per July 13th, 2023)

4️⃣ Repetitive Ads Damage Brand Reputation

That's what we found from a recent study by Magna IPG & Nexxen. Tidak hanya itu, ditemukan kecenderungan penurunan purchase intent sebanyak 🔻16% dari pengguna yang melihat iklan lebih dari 6x.

VP of Intelligence Solutions at Magna said:

The platforms are suffering too, because people also attribute the fact that this is happening to the platform. It really can be so annoying to people and viewers, that they’re willing to find content elsewhere

What can we do?

Regularly monitor the ad frequency metric on the ad dashboard (both Google & Meta have it already!)

About the study

5️⃣ Beli Centang Biru di Instagram

Setelah dibuka di beberapa negara barat seperti UK & Canada, Meta Verified akhirnya tersedia di Indonesia.

Berapa biaya per bulan?

Rp100,000 untuk website & Rp130,000 untuk iOS/Android.

What are the benefits?

Worth it, gak sih?

Bangett... apalagi buat kita yang punya client minta dikasih centang biru 😭